Neguilla is a black PRE mare standing at 1.63 meters with a very sweet temperament. This mare holds significant genetic value within the P.R.E. sport horse breed.

163 CM
Near Madrid

Neguilla is a black PRE mare standing at 1.63 meters with a very sweet temperament. Neguilla is a great mare with great genetic value within the PRE dressage breed. She is an extremely protective mum, and it’s quite evident when she’s about to give birth as she becomes very reserved and separates herself from the group. When she’s with her foal, she’s always attentive and doesn’t let them wander too far. The rest of the time, she enjoys being close to other mares or humans when we approach. She has given birth to three foals, always getting pregnant on the first insemination, and she has delivered them herself without need for help.

The reason for her sale is that we have two of her daughters, one by Jecomias Cen and another by Monje II, who will stay as future broodmares in our breeding program. This mare holds significant genetic value within the P.R.E. sport horse breed. In her paternal line, we can find legendary horses like GEMELO II, PANADERO VII (from Yeguada Miura), DESEADO XXIX (a stallion born in Señorio de Bariain and used as a stud at Yeguada Cubas), the latter being the sire of Jinete IX, a P.R.E. Stallion qualified as an ELITE breeder by ANCCE. Also in the paternal line, we find Agente and Lebrijano III (from Yeguada Militar), the origins of one of the most prolific Spanish horse lines, with sons and grandsons such as Panadero VIII, Rondeño IX, Macanuo, Jordan de Centurión, Utrerano VII, Fuego de Cardenas, Lego, Cepellón…
Lastly, in her maternal line, we can find RECELOSO IV (MARIA PALLARES) and CORTESANO IV (JUAN MANUEL URQUIJO). In her maternal line, we find ENAMORADO IV (MARIA FERNANDA DE LA ESCALERA), the son of GANADOR VIII (PACO LAZO) and ENAMORADA V (JOSE LUIS DE LA ESCALERA), a half-brother through the sire’s side of Ermitaño III (the first ELITE breeder in the P.R.E. genealogical book) and ADRIANO (LOVERA).